Coordinator & Head: Jaya Kalsy

Age Range: 16- 19 years

What is the Diploma Programme?

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) is a rigorous pre-university course of study, designed for students in the 16 to 19 age range. Established in 1968, the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) was the first programme offered by the IB. It is a two-year course that aims to encourage students to be inquiring, knowledgeable, caring and compassionate. There is a strong emphasis to encourage students to develop intercultural understanding and open-mindedness.

It leads to a qualification that is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities. Based on their IBDP results, students get admission in colleges in India and around the world.

To know more about college admissions please click here:

Admissions after IBDP :

What the DP Offers Students?

Through the DP, students:

  1. Have excellent breadth and depth of knowledge
  2. Flourish physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically
  3. Study at least two languages
  4. Excel in traditional academic subjects
  5. Explore the nature of knowledge through the programme’s unique theory of knowledge course.
  6. Develop Thinking skills, Communication skills, Social skills, Self-management and Research skills, storing and using of information from different resources and application of knowledge to real life situations
  7. Develop a strong sense of their individual identity and culture
  8. Develop intercultural understanding 
  9. Get prepared for higher education and employment
  10. Get the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to community service, gaining valuable experience outside the academic world.

DP Curriculum

The Diploma Programme (DP) curriculum consists of six subject groups and the DP core, comprising theory of knowledge (TOK), creativity, activity, service (CAS) and the extended essay. The DP core are compulsory and central to the programme. The DP core aims to broaden students’ educational experience and challenge them to apply their knowledge and skills. 

It is this comprehensive range of subjects that makes the Diploma Programme a demanding course of study designed to prepare students for university entrance. In each of the academic areas, students have flexibility in making their choices, which means they can choose subjects that particularly interest them and that they may wish to study further at university.

Normally, three subjects are taken at higher level (HL), and the other three subjects are taken at standard level (SL). The IB recommends 240 teaching hours for HL subjects and 150 hours for SL. Subjects at HL are studied in greater depth and breadth than at SL. The three core elements are:

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

Theory of Knowledge in which students reflect on the nature of knowledge and on how we know what we claim to know. 

Theory of knowledge (TOK) challenges students to question the base of knowledge – to reflect critically on how they know what they believe to be facts or truth.  TOK is a course about critical thinking and inquiring into the process of knowing, rather than about learning a specific body of knowledge.  TOK course examines how we know what we claim to know. TOK is assessed through an exhibition of TOK Commentaries and a 1,600 words essay. TOK encourages students to become thinkers, inquirers and open minded individuals appreciating global diversity.

Extended Essay (EE)

The extended essay is an independently written research- essay consisting of 4,000 words, which is mandatory for all students. The extended essay provides students with an opportunity to explore a topic of their preference. It helps students develop their research, communication, analytical and evaluative skills. Each student has a mentor, a school teacher, to guide him/her throughout the whole process of researching and writing the extended essay. This process concludes with a viva with their supervisor.

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)

Creativity, Activity, Service, in which students complete a project related to those three concepts. CAS is a mandatory core component of the IBDP. It enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal engagement by learning through experience and also provides opportunity for collaboration.

The three strands of CAS, which are often interwoven with particular activities, are characterized as follows:

  • Creativity – arts, and other experiences that involve creative thinking.
  • Activity – physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle, complementing academic work elsewhere in the DP.
  • Service – an unpaid and voluntary exchange that has a learning benefit for the student. The rights, dignity and autonomy of all those involved are respected.

In order to demonstrate these concepts, students are required to undertake a CAS project. The project challenges students to:

  • Show initiative
  • Demonstrate perseverance
  • Develop skills such as collaboration, problem solving and decision making.

CAS encourages students to undertake new challenges, initiate activities, work collaboratively in a group, show perseverance and commitment towards a goal, engage with issues of global importance, consider ethical implications and develop new skills.


  1. Studies In Language and Literature
  2. Language Acquisition
  3. Individuals and Societies
  4. Sciences
  5. Mathematics
  6. The Arts


  • Students choose courses from the following subject groups: studies in language and literature; language acquisition; individuals and societies; sciences; mathematics; and the arts.
  • Students may opt to study an additional sciences, individuals and societies, or languages course, instead of a course in the arts.
  • Each student takes at least three subjects at higher level, and three at standard level.
  • Standard level subjects take up 150 teaching hours. Higher level comprises 240 teaching hours.


  • Group 1 – Language A: language and literature  – English, French and Spanish
  • Group 2 –  Language Acquisition – Hindi B, French ab initio (SL), French B, Spanish ab initio (SL) and Spanish B. From Academic Year 2024-2025, German ab initio (SL) will be introduced.
  • Group 3 – Individuals and Societies – Economics, Business Management, History, Psychology, Philosophy, Global Politics, Digital Society, Geography, Environmental Systems and Societies (SL)
  • Group 4 – Sciences –Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Design Technology, Computer Science, Environmental Systems and Societies (SL), Sports Exercise & Health Science, 
  • Group 5 – Mathematics – Mathematics Analysis & Approaches (AA) and Mathematics Application & Interpretation (AI) 
  • Group 6 – The Arts – Visual Arts, Theatre Arts, Music
    Unless mentioned all subjects are available as HL and SL
  • Core – TOK, CAS, Extended Essay
    • For Diploma, students have to choose 6 subjects:
      • 3 at HL
      • 3 at SL

DP Assessments

Internal Assessment:

Under the guidance of the subject teachers at school, students complete their internal assessment components, which is marked at school and sent to IB for moderation.

External Assessment:

On the completion of the programme, students appear for IB DP Examination in the month of May which is conducted by IB and all scripts are sent to IB for marking.

To know more about IBDP assessments please click here: