IB Education, VKE Philosophy

VKE Student – IB World Topper Rank

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Pune Student Creates History: Bags 56/56 in Middle Years Programme (MYP V) IB E-Assessments

10th Standard Student from Victorious Kidss Educares joins the ‘World Topper Rank’ by scoring a perfect 56/56 in IB World Examination

Victorious Kidss Educares is once again proud to have its ‘World Topper’. Ms Tanishka Shah, a student of VKE has scored a perfect 56/56 in the recent May 2020 MYP E-Assessments held world-wide by the International Baccalaureate. Upon knowing the results, Tanishka was ecstatic and credited her success to the learning experiences at VKE!

The achievement of the student has been a glorious addition to the history of the school’s excellence. We are privileged to have a student as Tanishka who was not only able to achieve excellence in academics but also reflect the principles of IB and the Vendantic principles of the school to her best. The achievement of this young and talented student has been credited to her parents and the angels like teachers, of the school, who tirelessly saw the best in her and helped her achieve this success. VKE has been consistent about achieving excellence in terms of academics and the quality of teaching and learning. It is the ambience of the school itself that encourages all the students to fall in love with the process of learning. The school philosophy and the dedication to get the best out of the students, have flagged off.

Tanishka’s achievement of becoming the ‘World Topper’ is just one of the examples of the world-class students, we have in VKE. The success seen is merely the constant and consistent output of hard work and sincerity by the staff, parents, and the students of the VKE family. We are proud to have such a wonderful community. We wish all the best for her future endeavours. 

The school’s highlights on this year’s MYP results include:

  • 21 students achieving above + 50 out of 56 points (92.22%).
  • Two subjects with a perfect 7 out of 7 (100%), as an average score.
  • Six subjects with an average score of more than 6 out of 7.
  • All the subjects average score being more than 4.
  • A special highlight of the results are the 154 perfect 7s (Highest Grade) achieved by the students in various subjects, of which an unparalleled 26 have been in Hindi, 24 in Individual & Societies, 18 in Personal project, 15 in French among many other subjects.

Robbin Ghosh, The Founder & President of the School reflected, “We had taken up as our ‘Mission to reform our concept of education on the lines of Swami Vivekananda’s Vedanta philosophy of ~ ‘Education for Character’. We find when the character of children changes towards truth, purity, loyalty, commitment, academic brilliance and all round excellence automatically follows.”

Ghosh continues to share, “I am delighted that the power of India’s rich heritage of Vedanta, which we coupled with IB in our school, is a subject today in Harvard School of Divinity (USA). The knowledge and success through Vedanta is becoming known to everyone through the results of our children becoming, “World Toppers”. Our mission was to make our students reach world standard through IB coupled with Vedanta and we are proud to experience the results and smiles of success in students as well as the parents. The support of the parents, diligent sacrifices made by the teachers, are the primary reasons of the outcome of the results and added – This excellent result is a testimony of the power of the wisdom of Vedanta, when gently introduced in the awareness of students’ consciousness ~ that the ‘perfection lies within every child’.

The students, through development of an awareness, over time, of this knowledge, ‘Every Child Matters & Every child Can’ ~ a reflective process of mediation on the power within, dawns upon most of the students. Gentle loving guidance, from everyone in the team of faculty and Parents ~ awakens the students’ faith on their own selves. The academic prowess of its brilliant students, as also an affirmation of the collaborative efforts of the visionary Management ~ importantly The Principal, the Head of The Program, The Coordinator,  the diligent attentive Students, dedicated School faculty and the ever-supportive smiling Mother and The Father.

Despite the extraordinary circumstances triggered by the COVID-19 Pandemic, when there was no Face To Face (F2F) contact for over three (3) Months, prior to the World wide Final stringent e Assessment the (e Examination), the students of VKE showed their mental prowess and a belief in their own ‘Self’ through the knowledge of  ‘the power within’. This is the teachings of Vedanta in them, ‘belief in your ‘Self’. With the effect of this Grace and the power of ‘Prayers’, there are none of bad tendencies or lethargy awaken, in the mind of the students.

The belief of the ‘Power of Vedanta’ and Swami Vivekananda’s Principles of Education for Character, at Victorious Kidss Educares has proved that the ‘Spiritual & Holistic development coupled with rich heritage of India ~ the spirit of Vedanta’ ~ is the key to all-round, inclusive of all academic success.

The Principal Ms. Saarada Ghosh says, “I always share with our champions that Every thing is possible’. Every child matters to us. As success for every child is our responsibility. I feel so elated to see that Tanishka has attained what she dreamt of and worked simply, but with purity. She is growing up to be a delightful human being to be with. She has developed such capability and yet with such simplicity  and humility. Keeping the main focus of our school to ‘holistic growth of every child’ ~ has been a great joy, when I see them achieving such global levels of excellence in their academic and all round  pursuits. . Our all-time planned effort is to improve student’s performance every year after another. I find our clear and positive thoughts help when steadily raising one’s own level of aspirations and expectations is made a way, flaming victory becomes attainable with good character. This is an extreme proud moment for VKE to celebrate the exceptional success of IB MYP (10t Std.) and specially Tanishka joining the ‘IB MYP V ~ World Topper Rank’ ~ with a perfect 100% score.

Our students are able to outperform other students wherever they go in future. The impact of the program is best exemplified, through their performance on the global level where we have achieved results higher than the international benchmarks. The ways of work and learning at VKE is just not a brand, it is a philosophy which has been deeply embedded in the students and the teachers consciousness. With the career guidance and counselling at VKE, the students respect the traditions, cultures and differences of others point of view.

Covid-19 pandemic could not scare them. As lifelong learners, they develop adaptive flexibility to cope up with the changing times. The best ideologies of Vedantic education inculcated with the prominence of ‘Satyameva Jayate’ are imbibed in the champions of VKE. These stunning results validate and confirm VKE’s assurance of providing the best learning opportunities to thrive in the competitive and changing world. Receiving the successful result in this time of melancholy made the students confident, courageous, determined, motivated and inspired. These mighty students displayed the power from within, despite no face-to-face (F2F) contact for the three most crucial months prior to the final assessment, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. They left no stone unturned to enhance the glory of the power of ‘Self in Vedanta’ and in turn to the school with their focussed attention. The talented team is all geared up to perform equally well in their upcoming journey. It is a sheer privilege for the institution to culminate its gems into precious stones and engrave the name of Victorious Kidss Educares in golden letters forever, further making VKE stand out as the school with a difference and the largest and authorized IB world school in ‘Oxford of the East’, in our Pune.”

The Head of MYP Program Ms Jaya Kalsy & MYP Coordinator Vishwajeet Kumar share their experience in their journey with VKE creating world toppers. “Success stories in the education sector are not born overnight, they need to be nurtured and created through a mesh of concerted efforts in the right direction. It is more often than not, there is always a ‘Mother or a Father or a Teacher’

“Tanishka Shah, scoring the 1st position in IB MYP World examination has achieved the maximum points possible in the MYP curriculum, a perfect score of 56 out of 56. Victorious Kidss Educares is a new-age school; which has made a new record of producing world toppers consecutively for the past few years, which is a testament to the student’s success. VKE is one of the best progressive educational institutions in the country today which has employed innovative skills and ideas to educate. With the concept based academics, rigorous assessments, engaging classes, career-oriented workshops, internships, gaining hands on live experience alongside a vast variety of extracurricular activities and Vedanta philosophy, make Victorious Kidss Educares what it is today: a premier education institution with a long-standing legacy of producing world toppers.

We know that the traditional teaching methodologies would simply not work to educate the current generation brought up by the social media, internet and advanced technologies, where resources are simply a finger swipe away. Interactive teaching methodologies that engage students and emphasize the enjoyment of the process of learning have yielded amazing results and grades in assessments and exams. We must not lose sight of the fact that this ‘COVID 19 Pandemic’ has taught us, never to rest easy on our accomplishments, for the winds of fortune are ever changing and we may have to make life-changing decisions overnight. These VKE toppers have the blessings of experienced teachers who help them learn ‘How to learn’ instead of just ‘what to learn’. This zeal helps them constantly work towards achieving global levels of excellence in their academic pursuits. The next mantras that guides toppers are passion, thinking out of the box and concept building. The VKE world toppers who have achieved excellence in their classes are usually the ones passionate about their studies. These learners are naturally curious and have a lot of queries. They want to know more in the different subjects being taught and are not shy about asking questions.

The main focus of the school was the holistic growth of every child. “It’s not a one-year job. The hard work starts right from the beginning when the child joins VKE. We prefer they join, the moment mother conceives. After birth, we start, like the ancient times,  after six (6) weeks old babies. It all depends on planning and concerted efforts. Moreover, staying calm and being focused, is another important mantra. Clear and positive thoughts help in g excellence in real life.”

Reflection by MYP Topper Tanishka Shah

“Believe in your inner power” and “Always follow the path of truth” have become the two most important mantras in my life. These words from Sir Robbin Ghosh worked like magic in my journey from PYP 2 to MYP 5. More than anything else, after receiving the news of achieving a perfect score of 56/56, I felt extremely lucky and happy to have fulfilled my parent’s and the school’s dream, and am glad to have proved that their faith in me was right. Now that I look back at my 9 years journey at VKE, it has been a fun roller coaster ride that taught me multiple important lessons. I evolved from a shy and immature child to a confident girl. The first day visiting VKE at the Shukrana campus, playing with the rabbits and comfortably interacting with the teacher, is still a clear memory in my head. A memory filled with happiness and hope that I shall be able to play with these rabbits every day and enjoy school like all the other kids at VKE do.

When that came true and I entered my class for the first time, all the kid’s attention was at me, honestly, I was scared and nervous but the sweet voice “Hello Tanishka. Welcome to PYP 2!!” and the warm hug from Khushboo ma’am still brings a smile on my face. Her words of encouragement and positivity taught me to always stay optimistic in life and look at the bright side of even your worst nightmares. Playing the role of the fortune-teller “Margaretta” in the PYP 5 exhibition is another memorable experience. Apart from all the acting and public speaking skills learned, the most important lesson was from the incident that happened the day just before the final exhibition. My script was completely changed, I cried a lot, thinking I might not be able to perform well now. But the teachers supported me and sat with me to rehearse it multiple times until I was confident that I could do it. This taught me the lesson that “It’s never too late” and inculcated the attitude of “Never Quit” in me.

After that, the shift from PYP to MYP was another big milestone. At that time, my family was going through a crisis, so mom could not spend a lot of time helping me cope up with the shift, but my homeroom became my guiding angel, my second mother. She not only helped me get attuned to the MYP pattern but also gave me the emotional support that I needed in those years. She ensured that I was at peace despite all the problems at home. She inculcated calmness and emotional stability in me, and I cannot thank her enough for that.

Academically, I was not facing issues going ahead in MYP because my concepts were made clear. The foundation laid was extraordinarily strong, so I could easily connect it to real life and build on the concepts. However, I was facing physical challenges. That was one of the turning points in my life. I wanted to achieve physical fitness and Thakur sir played a very important role. More than a guru, he was like a father figure for me. Every evening after school, he gave me personalized attention and because of him, I could become a state-level Javelin athlete. He tapped my talent and helped me explore my potential in sports. He helped me get a let out for my emotions in the form of exercise and fitness training. He helped me understand “No pain, No gain” practically in real life.

It was shocking for me to know that I had artistic talent in me as well, unexplored, and untapped. Vishwajeet Kumar sir suggested me to explore writing poems and do sketching as a mode of recreation. At first, I did not really think I could do it very well, but eventually, they came out to be really nice. They became a way for me to express my thoughts and emotions. He also introduced me to theatre. Along with his guidance and the drama teacher’s support, I could get the confidence of performing 2 commercial theatre plays in less than a year. And all the things that theatre has taught me are just too many to even mention. These sides of my personality were explored only because of the teacher’s deep analysis of my personality.

My trip with Jaya ma’am to the US in MYP 3 was my first international trip. I was very anxious and excited at the same time. Throughout the 12 days, she showed a lot of faith in me and helped me get exposure to the foreign world. Staying with her and observing her, in itself taught me a lot about how one’s personality and charisma shall be. Observing her, I learned how to become a fun-loving, confident, and influential person.

The school opened my doors to the external world and the global issues by showing me the path of Model United Nations. Participating in and conducting multiple MUN conferences, discussing the pressing issues of global concern related to the environment, social inequalities, and global peace; inculcated in me, a sense of responsibility towards the society, and a love for nature. It gave me a direction towards my career interest and showed me a way of contributing for the betterment of the environment. My journey was the toughest in MYP 5. Handling the pressure of MYP e-assessments, personal project, and e-portfolios was tricky, but because of the mentors and teachers in MYP, nothing could come in the way of me and my dream score. Their dedication and requirement of perfection was commendable, it made me feel more responsible for my projects and helped stay motivated throughout, despite the challenges. I cannot express my gratitude to all the teachers who supported and guided me in even the slightest way.

Apart from this, Dr. Ghosh sir’s tips and stories really inspired me to keep working harder. Right before starting MYP 5, he gave us a talk in which he mentioned writing “#56″ everywhere around you. I did that, and somewhere, it played a significant role in keeping me focused and motivated. The credit of this score goes to the school, their teachings, all my mentors, and my teachers. You have been my strongest pillar of support and I just do not know how to thank you all for everything you have done for me. Lastly, as the school’s Vedantic teachings have taught me, I would like to thank the divine power who gave me the will, faith in myself and others and showed me the right path always. I know, that ultimately, he was the reason behind how I met these wonderful people in my life who made me what I am today. I am grateful to him for having VKE planned in my destiny.”

Reflection by Parents of Tanishka Shah

“It is an amazing feeling of being a proud father and mother of the World Topper by scoring perfect marks of 56/56. We are so proud of Tanishka that she could live up to the expectations of her teachers, family, Dr Ghosh Sir & Saarada Ma’am. Both Sir and Ma’am have created a rich culture of love, honesty, moral values, spiritual understanding, excellence, team spirit, enthusiasm, and creativity at VKE which gets inculcated in every growing mind here. IB’s 10 learner’s profile, attitudes and skills are not only practiced by teachers and students in day to day life but it gradually changes atmosphere at home and parent’s perspective towards many things in a great way. That is the power of union of Vedanta and IB at VKE which we have witnessed and are experiencing since the last 10 years.

We still remember Tanishka’s 9-year journey with VKE. When we took our decision of Tanishka’s admission in Shukrana campus of VKE for her PYP 2, there were many challenges like distance to travel to school, financial commitments till her MYP V & DP, completely innovative approach of education of IB Board etc. After sharing our concerns with you Sir, you just said, “your daughter’s karma has brought you here so do not worry, things will get organised through you. Just believe in the Supreme who guides us all.” We kept 100% trust & blindly followed what you said Sir and today we proudly confirm that it was worth it.

We have experienced complete transformation in Tanishka during her journey in VKE. It is not only an academic excellence, but her overall development really surprises many including us. Her optimistic approach, self-motivation, confidence, honesty, caring & loving nature, clarity in thoughts and maturity outshines her from others. Her self-discipline, dedication towards excellence, attitude of being responsible for her learning inspires everyone around her. We feel the X factor which influenced her personality was the Vedantic Principles and International mindedness nurtured in VKE.

Despite being a mother, I learned so many things about my own daughter from her teachers at VKE. Be it Khushboo Ma’am or Rama Ma’am in PYP OR Sudhi Ma’am & Archana Ma’am in MYP… all her Homeroom teachers for the last 9 years were like her second mother at school. Because of Tanishka’s love for her teachers & learning atmosphere at school, she comfortably travelled 60 Kms every day during her entire PYP without any complaint. We were peaceful at our workplaces because everyone at VKE took care of Tanishka lovingly and tapped her true potential. We are especially thankful to Thakur Sir & entire sports department who transformed Tanishka’s personality and made her physically as well as mentally tough & strong which helped her to win state level Javelin championship. Moreover, Vishwajeet Sir not only sensed her acting talent but groomed her to deal & express her emotions through Drama and took it to the level of commercial theatre play.

Jaya Ma’am insisted on sending Tanishka to visit top 5 universities in US & NASA where her dreams and vision expanded and motivated her to set goals for her future career. It’s not just about academic excellence but Vishwajeet Kumar Sir challenged her and brought her hidden talent of writing Poems and drawing sketches which was an absolute surprise for us. Let it be Personal Project OR E Portfolio during MYP V, Mentors like Neeraj Sir, Sampatti Ma’am, Pooja Ma’am & Archana Ma’am pushed Tanishka to the edges, did not compromise in perfection & worked harder than her to bring out the best in her. We feel students, staff & parents here at VKE enjoy a warm, caring community that fosters the highest standards of academic, social, and emotional growth of every child. We are sure most of the parents feel the same way. Thank you is just not enough to express our gratitude & feelings towards everyone at school. Our words will fall short to mention every teacher’s contribution in Tanishka’s development. Tanishka could score 56/ 56 because of able guidance from expert teachers of VKE without any external tuitions/ coaching. So, in the crucial years of DP which are going to decide her professional career, the only best choice for us is VKE. We are truly overwhelmed with Tanishka’s achievement and sincerely thank you for bringing out the best in her.” ~ Aaditi and Abhijeet Shah[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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