
Why do we worship God as Mother? (Part 9)

(Continued from Part 8)…

May I encourage everyone, at all times, when have a Mother’s Puja, especially during this Mother season, as we go for all the pujas that had come up would be a good time, to reflect and meditate upon ‘How great our Divine Mother’ is and how easily she could be depended upon? We do have often times, a kind of a confusion in our mind, when we do have a puja going on, many of us probably, do not know exactly, what ritual is occurring or what exactly is happening? Although we do feel nice and a pleasant sense of sanctity, Whether or not we may not understand every little detail of the offering of flowers, the ritualistic worship of the Mother which are performed. But that time is well spend, even when the Mother is being invoked and worshipped, to look in our own hearts, to find that a little child within me is seeking the Divine Mother. Where she permanently reside.

And to ask oneself, these questions:

  • Who am I?
  • Who really is this ‘Me’?
  • What are the guiding principles of my own life?
  • Where do I find strength and wisdom that I have?
  • What is the source? Am I able to hold on to that understanding and memory, what that source is?
  • Is it that the Divine Mother came to me as my biological mother, my wife, my daughter and my neighbors?

This way of quiet and yet very distinctively perceivable reflection will bring greater sense of knowingness, peace, greater contentment and greater fulfillment in our own life.

Our Divine Mother is always with us. And yet why do we say, before Durga Puja, in Bengali, “Ma Ashche’ ~ My Mother is coming?” Similarly, I do not know what made me to meditate over a few months and compile this article? Only Mother would know.

The question therefore, in front us, is:

“To be or not to be, with my Mother?”


➢ God Talks With Arjuna ~~ Bhagavad Gita ~ Sri Sri Paramahansa
➢ Autobiography of a Yogi: Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
➢ Understanding Vedanta: Swami Tyagananda.
➢ Meditation & Vedanta: Swami Adiswarananda
➢ Freedom Of Voice: Swami Vivekananda
➢ Inner Voice . Reflection, as Guided By Divine Mother Through Robbin Ghosh

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