VKE Activities – IB | MYP & DP




“The ultimate end of human acts is eudaimonia, happiness in the sense of living well, which all men desire; all acts are but different means chosen to arrive at it.” – Hannah Arendt

Milestones in life are few, but they are mighty. Only a few surpass the beauty of graduation, an event sought after by every diligent student, armed with relentless pursuit of their dreams and ambitions.

Being graduated from school is a turning point for every student, a significant moment that is looked back on with fondness as well as pride. It is a momentous journey, heralding the beginning of a bright future, full of hope and promise. The Graduation symbolises hard work, persistence, and dedication, and serves as a gateway to relish in academic accomplishments, while providing parents with an opportunity to celebrate their children’s achievements with pride. 

At Victorious Kidss Educares, every student is a cherished treasure, who receives the best guidance, love, and support that they need, to make their dreams come true. The ceremony itself is symbolic of the student’s unwavering dedication to the pursuit of education. 

We celebrated the much-awaited ‘Graduation Ceremony’ of their Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP) Graduates on 27th May, 2023. Eudaimonia was the theme which meant the highest good one can strive for or a life well lived. It gave a message to the graduates to strive towards well-being and happiness. The chief guest, Air Commodore Shri Ashok Chhibbar Sir too reiterated these thoughts in his speech.

The excitement was palpable. The lawn was buzzing with excitement on the day of the grand event. The function, attended by esteemed dignitaries – the chief guest Cmd. Ashok Chibbar, President Dr. Robbin Ghosh, Vice-President Principal Ms. Saarada Ghosh, Program Head Ms. Jaya Kalsy, Program Coordinator Mr. Vishwajeet Kumar, the MYP-DP teachers, and proud Parents – was a celebration of the students’ academic achievements. This jubilant milestone is one that shall be remembered and cherished forever. 

Amidst great excitement, the graduates shared their successful journey and achievements with their fellow peers, teachers, and guests. The diploma, a symbol of excellence, a badge of honour, is the fruit of the student’s arduous labour and dedication. The Graduation Ceremony successfully honoured these learners with well-earned trophies and certificates. 

As the wise often say, “Time flies when you’re having fun”, and it was all fun at the graduation ceremony. The whole event was flawlessly executed and anchored by the students of MYP and DP, who left the audience impressed with their outstanding confidence and composure. The musical show that followed the ceremony was a treat to the ears, the performances were memorable and entertaining. The dance and drama performances in the ceremony was a testimony to the skill and talent present in every student at Victorious Kidss Educares. The students themselves were the epitome of unrivalled enthusiasm and made the ambience very special for their parents and teachers. With beaming confidence, they shared their successful learning journey with their peers and mentors. The parents expressed their heartfelt gratitude towards the school for guiding their children in the right direction, and the teachers were appreciated for their unconditional support, love, and care throughout the students’ journey at Victorious Kidss Educares. The graduates donned their Graduation gowns, walked on stage, and each held a candle, a powerful symbol of their enlightened journey. As the students excitedly threw their academic caps in the air, the cheers reverberated across the lawn. This awe-inspiring event culminated with a lavish dinner, which added more charm and splendour to the occasion. 

“The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence.” Perhaps no truth is more powerfully demonstrated than by these students who have attained their graduation, yet they’ve only just begun their journey. As they leave their alma mater to pursue the future with eyes set on greatness, they take the hearts of their teachers and parents with them. Most of the MYP graduates have gone on to join the Diploma Programme at VKE, while others have chosen to explore the world beyond. Whether the path they tread leads them back in the halls of Victorious Kidss Educares or elsewhere, they set out armed with the knowledge, fortitude, and spirit to make a difference, and with pride for the school they leave behind.

As Helen Keller so wonderfully puts it, “Graduation is not the end; it is the beginning of your next adventure.” Indeed, Graduation is analogous to the flicker of a spark that ignites the flame of passion in students’ hearts, setting ablaze their aspirations to achieve greatness. The successful journey of these graduates is a testament to the monumental impact of quality education that defines Victorious Kidss Educares and the future that lies ahead of them is a product of their hard work and dedication.

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