A Great Mystery is Revealed
I am quoting the following passage from the Gospel of Matthew in the Holy Scriptures, and it has mystified, confused and been misunderstood by many people over the centuries. It quotes,
“Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.”
You have to admit that when you read the passage it appears unjust, as it seems to be saying that the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. But there’s a riddle to be solved in this passage, a mystery to uncover, and when you know it a new world will have opened up for you.
The answer to the mystery that has eluded so many for centuries is in one hidden word: ‘gratitude’.
“Whoever has gratitude will be given more, and her or she will have an abundance. Whoever does not have gratitude, even what he or she has will be taken from him or her.”
By the revelation of one hidden word, a cryptic text is made crystal clear. Two thousand years have passed since those words were recorded, but they are as true today as they ever were: if you don’t take the time to be grateful you will never have more, and what you do have you will lose. And the promise of the magic that will happen with gratitude is in these words: if you’re grateful you will be given more, and you will have an abundance!
From the Koran the promise of gratitude is equally emphatic:
“And (remember) when God proclaimed” ‘If you are grateful I will give you more; but if you are ungrateful verify my punishment is indeed severe.’
It doesn’t matter what religion we follow, or whether we’re religious or not, these words from the Holy Scriptures and the Koran apply to us and our life. They are describing a fundamental law of science and of the Universe.
It’s Universal Law
Gratitude operates through a Universal Law that governs your whole life. According to the law of attraction, which governs all the energy in our Universe, from the formation of an atom to the movement of the planets, “like attracts like.” It’s because of the law of attraction that the cells of every living creature are held together, as well as the substance of every material object. In your life, the law operates on your thoughts and feelings, because they are energy too, and so whatever you think, whatever you feel, you attract to you.
If you think, “I don’t like my job,” “I haven’t got enough money”, “I can’t find my perfect partner”, “I can’t pay my bills”, “I think I’m coming down with something”, “He or she doesn’t appreciate me”, “I don’t get along with my parents”, “My child is a problem”, “My life is a mess”, or “My marriage is in trouble”, then you must attract more of those experiences.
But if you think about what you’re grateful for, like, “I love my job”, “My family is very supportive”, “I had the best vacation”, “I feel amazing today”, “I got the biggest tax refund ever”, or “I had a great weekend camping with my son”, and you sincerely feel the gratitude, the law of attraction says you must attract more of those things into your life. It works in the same way as metal being drawn to a magnet; your gratitude is magnetic, and the more gratitude you have, the more abundance you magnetize. It is Universal law!
You will have heard sayings like, “Whatever goes around comes around”, “You reap what you sow” and “You get what you give”. Well, all of those sayings are describing the same law, and there are also describing a principle of the Universe that the great scientist Sir Isaac Newton discovered.
Newton’s scientific discoveries included the fundamental law of motion in the Universe, one of which says:
Every action always has an opposite and equal reaction.
When you apply the idea of gratitude to Newton’s law it says: every action of giving thanks always causes an opposite reaction of receiving. And what you receive will always be equal to the amount of gratitude you have given. This means that the very action of gratitude sets off a reaction of receiving! And the more sincerely and the more deeply grateful you feel. (in other words, the more gratitude you give) the more you will receive.
The Golden Thread of Gratitude
Dating back thousands and thousands of years to the earliest recording of humankind, the power of gratitude was preached and practiced, and from there was passed on through the centuries, sweeping across the continents, permeating one civilization and culture to the next. The major religions of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Hinduism all have gratitude at their core.
Muhammed said that gratitude for the abundance you’ve received is the best insurance that the abundance will continue.
Buddha said that you have no cause for anything but gratitude and joy.
Lao Tzu said that if you rejoice in the way things are, the whole world will belong to you.
Krishna said that whatever he is offered he accepts with joy.
King David spoke of giving thanks to the whole world, for everything between the heavens and the Earth.
And Jesus said thank you before he performed each miracle.
From the Australian Aborigines to the African Maasai and Zulu, from the American Navajo, Shawnee, and Cherokee, to the Tahitians, Eskimo and Maori, the practice of gratitude is at the very root of most indigenous traditions.
“When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself”.
History is laden with famous figures who practiced gratitude, and whose achievements put them amongst the greatest human beings who have ever lived : Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., the Dalai Lama, Leonardo Da Vinci, Plato, Shakespeare, Aesop, Blake, Emerson, Dickens, Proust, Descartes, Lincoln, Jung, Newton, Einstein and many many more.
Albert Einstein’s scientific discoveries changed the way we see the Universe and when asked about his monumental achievements, he spoke only of giving thanks to others. One of the most brilliant minds of all time thanked other people over a hundred times a day for the work they had done!
Is it any wonder that so many of life’s mysteries were revealed to Albert Einstein? Is it any wonder that Albert Einstein made some of the greatest scientific discoveries in history? He practiced gratitude every single day of his life, and in return he received many forms of abundance.
When Isaac Newton was asked how he had achieved the scientific discoveries he made, he said that he stood on the shoulders of giants. Isaac Newton, recently voted the greatest contributor to science and humankind, was also grateful to those men and women who lived before him.
Here are some ideas for writing your list:
I am truly blessed to have what?
because why?
I am so happy and grafeful for what?
because why?
I am truly grateful for what?
because why?
With all my heart, thank you for what?
because why?